Team Building: Start with the Ending

Written By Chris A. Maslin


Authentic Leadership

“Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.” ~ Henry Ford

An organization cannot operate successfully if all of the parts making up the whole (departments, teams and individuals) are not working together.  Think of the overused cliché: Individuals score points, but teams win games.  While we may bore of these catchy slogans, there is more than a grain of truth behind them.  With today’s diverse workforce, teamwork is easier said than done.  For a company to truly promote and enable successful teamwork, it takes more than sound bite posters on the wall reminding us that “There is No I in Team.”  Cost effective? Yes.  Successful?  Never.

The tried-and-true method of creating the much sought-after team mentality is through team building exercises that get co-workers collectively analyzing, brainstorming and acting to creatively find solutions to scenarios outside of the work environment.   These activities can cover a wide spectrum of topics and should be tailored to your organization based on your specific needs and desired outcomes.  With the right amount of planning and consideration of your group’s individual personalities, challenges, and desires, the possibilities of what your team can accomplish are limitless.  This all begins with a solid needs assessment, ensuring the team building program you are outlining will accomplish its intended goals.  Contact us to schedule a team building event or incorporate it into on of our professional development programs.

Chris Maslin is the Director of Staffing and Training for the Biltmore Company and the Biltmore Center for Professional Development. The Biltmore Center for Professional Development offers programs that can take your business to the next level of success. For more information or a list of programs, visit us online, or call 828-225-6158.