Behind the Scenes: Fall Care for Gardens & Grounds

Written By Amy Dangelico

Posted 8/14/17

Updated 3/26/24

Gardens & Grounds

As fall leaves begin to blanket the estate, our dedicated garden crew are working hard to ensure the grounds are ready to transition and providing essential fall care.

After Labor Day, crews are busy pulling all of the tropical plants. Elephant ears in the massive terra cotta pots lining the front of Biltmore House and other areas are stored for next summer.

View of Biltmore House reflecting off the Italian Garden pools in the Fall
View of Biltmore House reflecting off the Italian Garden pools in the Fall

Once they’ve faded, lilies and lily pads are gathered from the Italian Garden pools to be composted. Many of our guests ask what happens to the koi in the pools, but they actually remain in the ponds and hibernate during the cooler months!

Dahlia bulbs in the Walled Garden’s Victorian border are lifted out of the ground to allow the soil to dry naturally. The bulbs are placed in a cool dry place to store over winter to be replanted in the spring.

Italian Garden Pool Cleaning
Meticulous attention is devoted to preserving the pristine condition of the Italian Garden Pools.

The gorgeous second-round blooms in the Rose Garden are pruned in preparation for the International Rose Trials, September 22–23. The historic garden has hosted the event since 2011, providing breeders from all over the world a place to trial and display their roses.

And of course, fall care includes the seemingly never-ending task of blowing and raking leaves across the estate. There will be several leaf clean-ups throughout the season to minimize final efforts at autumn’s end. Along with some of the tropical plants, all raked leaves are composted and eventually become part of Biltmore soil.

West side of Biltmore House view from Lagoon with fall color
Beautiful view of the West Side of Biltmore House from the Lagoon during fall

Don’t miss those autumn leaves and our fall gardens in all their glory. Book your stay at Village Hotel on Biltmore Estate® or The Inn on Biltmore Estate® today.

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